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Bourrienne Paris X was launched in 2017 by hotelier Charles Beigbeder and designer Cecile Faucheur, specializing in the 'perfect shirt'.

In homage to the pioneers of the 18th-century Unclosure movement, the store was opened in the historic Hôtel de Brienne in Paris. The debut collection proposes wardrobe staples in eight styles. The use of period details such as the accentuated bib, sophisticated officer collar and French cuffs that symbolize the new romantic style shines. Original style hand-finished using organic cotton procured in Egypt and California and firm Normandy linen.

Bourrienne Paris X (Bourrienne Paris Dis) was launched in 2017 by hotelier Charles Beigbeder and designer Cecile Faucheur, specializing in the "perfect shirt".

Paying homage to the pioneers of the 18th century Uncroyable movement, they opened a store at the Hôtel de Bourrienne, a historic mansion in Paris. The debut collection offers eight styles of wardrobe staples. The New Romantic style is highlighted by the use of period- Inspired details, such as the emphatic bib, sophisticated officer's collar, and French cuffs. The original styles are handcrafted using organic cotton sourced in Egypt and California and linen from Normandy, which has a taut, supple feel.

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