NYで創業し、70年以上経った今でも職人が手作業でネクタイを縫い上げる老舗メーカー。創立当時のPOLO RALPH LAURENや、最近ではTHOM BROWNEなど、数々の名ブランドのためにネックウェアを作成し続けて来ました。創業者のWalter氏はNYの激動を肌で体感してきた紳士服業界の生き字引のような方です。そんな彼が選んだ莫大な量の生地から好みのものを選び、ブランドやショップに合わせ一本一本の仕様をカスタムできることも、老舗メーカーならではです。
Founded in New York, this long-established manufacturer still sews ties by hand by craftsmen more than 70 years later. The company has continued to create neckwear for many famous brands, including POLO RALPH LAUREN at the time of its founding, and more recently THOM BROWNE. Mr. Walter, the founder of the company, is like a living person in the menswear industry, having experienced firsthand the upheaval in New York City. He has selected a vast amount of fabrics from which to choose his favorites and can customize each piece to the specifications of the brand and store.