コレクション: SOWER
世界の名だたる画家が題材にした新約聖書で語られる 種を蒔く人“The Sower”より引用。
メゾンをはじめとする多くのデザイナーズブランドへ生地を供給する、和歌山の老舗テキスタイルメーカー「A-GIRLʼ S」が設立した独自のブランド。
「常に新しく、質の高い生地を追い求めてきた歴史から培われた経験と美意識を背景 に、後世に残すべきものづくりを行い、同時に日本の職人技の継承を目指す」というメッセージを掲げている。
The name is taken from "The Sower," a story in the New Testament about a man who sows seeds, which has been used as a subject by world-famous painters.
A-GIRLʼS" is a unique brand established by "A-GIRLʼS," a long-established textile manufacturer in Wakayama that supplies fabrics to many designer brands including maison.
A-GIRLʼS" is a unique brand established by "A-GIRLʼS," a long-established textile manufacturer in Wakayama, Japan, which supplies fabrics to many designer brands, including maison.
The company does not stand as a conventional factory brand, but creates collections from scratch that should be handed down to the next generation.