1981年にデビューし、数多くの賞を受賞した経歴を持つ北欧・デンマークを代表するデザイナー、JAN MACHENHAUERによるブランド。
世界的にも評価が高いフランスのストール・ブランド EPICE(エピス)のクリエイティブディレクターとして立ち上げに参加し、現在もそのすべてのデザインを統括しています。
The brand by JAN MACHENHAUER, a leading Scandinavian/Danish designer who debuted in 1981 and has won numerous awards.
He participated in the launch of the internationally acclaimed French stole brand EPICE as its creative director, and continues to oversee all of its designs.
His clothes, which are called architectural in nature, are designed with "the pursuit of beauty through the harmony between the wearer and the garment" in mind, and he considers it an important approach to create a beautiful appearance when worn by a person and in harmony with the movement of the person and the garment.
His designs are constructed with an exquisite balance between the wearer, the garment, and the balance between the two, with an emphasis on comfort when worn, and beauty not only from the front, but also from the sides and back.
The ultimate shirts he seeks are tailored by tailors in India with the highest level of skill.
No other shirt is tailored with such thoroughness and precision, not only in the visible parts, but also in the inside of the garment and the treatment of the seam allowance, making it the best shirt in Scandinavia.