SIERRA DESIGNSは、1965年にアメリカ・カリフォルニア州で誕生し、創設者であるジョージ・マークスとボブ・スワンソンの2人の青年による、長年にわたるアウトドアでの経験で培ったアイデアや技術を、アパレル、バッグ、キャンプ用品(テント、寝袋)に活かし、高機能で高品質なアウトドアブランドとして成長を遂げてきました。
SIERRA DESIGNS was born in California, U.S.A., in 1965. The two founders, George Marks and Bob Swanson, have grown into a highly functional, high-quality outdoor brand by applying ideas and techniques developed through years of outdoor experience to apparel, bags, and camping equipment (tents, sleeping bags). The company has grown into a highly functional, high-quality outdoor brand.
In 1968, as soon as the company announced a mountain parka in the U.S. using the eternal standard material 60/40 (commonly known as "rokuyon"), it became an instant hit and is now the origin of the outer shell jacket.
In Japan, the mountain parka made of 60/40 material was introduced in 1975 and quickly became popular as outdoor wear, just like in the U.S. Later, in the 1980s, the style of wearing mountain parkas as street wear became popular, and its popularity remained unchanged.
Even now, the popularity of mountain parkas made of 60/40 material has not diminished, and they continue to attract many fans as a standard mountain parka product.