2020年にCARLY SCHECKがアメリカでスタートしたブランド。
20年以上にわたりテキスタイルに携わってきたCarlyだが、祖母の突然の訃報を受け、生前の彼女が生業としていた編物や縫製の確かな技術を後世に引き継ごうと思い立ち、Farewell Frances / フェアウェル フランセスを始動させました。
Farewell = 別れの意であり「実名だと悲しくなる」から架空の人物 Frances (メジャーな人名) を登場させ「フランセスへ捧ぐ」という意味を持たせたこのプロジェクト。最初は友人らのパーソナルオーダーにはじまり、徐々にその輪は広まっていきました。
The brand was started by CARLY SCHECK in the United States in 2020.
Carly has been involved in textiles for over 20 years, but after the sudden passing of her grandmother, she decided to pass on the proven skills of knitting and sewing that she had made her living at during her lifetime, and started Farewell Frances.
Farewell" means "farewell," and "a real name would make me sad," so a fictional character named Frances (a major character) was chosen for this project, which was meant to be a "dedication to Frances. The project started with personal orders from friends and gradually grew.
The items are made mainly from vintage textiles that she collects with great care, and updated into items she would like to wear now.
Her designs are inspired by the movies and novels she loved as a child.