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오랫동안 복식에 종사함으로써 연루를 거듭, 쌓아 올린 지식과 경험, 그리고 다양한 문화에 접하는 것으로 길러 온 감성을 살려, 지금까지도 다양한 형태로 독자적인 아웃풋을 행해 온 주재자가 중심 되어 국내외에서의 톱 메종의 배경으로 활약하고 있는 생산 팀, 아트 피스라고도 해야 하는 부속을 핸드메이드 하는 장인, 탁월한 기술을 가지는 패탄너들을 맞이한 국내 굴지의 크리에이터 집단으로 활동하는 브랜드. 문화사와 복식사를 거슬러 올라가 사고를 깊게 하고, 미학을 추구하는 것으로 디자인을 실시해, 각각이 납득할 때까지의 엄청난 시제품을 반복하는 것으로, 「비의 뛰어난 제품의 제안」을 목표로 한 크리에이션을 실시하고 있다.

The brand is led by the president who has been engaged in the clothing industry for a long time, and has been making use of the knowledge and experience he has accumulated, as well as the sensitivity he has cultivated by being exposed to various cultures, to produce his own output in various ways, and is supported by a production team that has been active in the background of top maisons in Japan and abroad, handmade artisans who have been working on accessories that should be called "art pieces," and pattern makers with outstanding skills. The brand is led by the president of the company, who has been working on his own original output in various ways. They deepen their thinking by going back to the history of culture and the history of clothing, design by pursuing aes , and repeat tremendous prototyping until each of them is satisfied with their creations, aiming at "proposing impeccable products.

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