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고슈라는 이름의 한 재단사 견습 이야기.
어느 날 다락방에서 찾아낸 낡은 발 밟는 재봉틀과 재단의 도구, 그리고 3벌의 재킷.
고슈는 지금은 죽은 할아버지가 재단이었다는 것을 알고 있다.
할아버지의 일 모습을 떠올리며 동경으로 바뀌었고 같은 길을 걷기 시작했다.
팔은 아직 미숙하지만, 마무리 기술의 향상뿐만 아니라 다양한 이국에 옮겨 살고, 이문화에 접해, 느낀 채로 고슈다운 물건 만들기에 격려한다.
고향에 마음을 느끼고 언젠가 그 땅에서의 물건 만들기를 통해 여러 나라 사람들에게 “Gorsch”를 즐겨주고 싶다. .

This is the story of an apprentice tailor named Gorsch.
One day, he finds an old treadle sewing machine, tailoring tools, and three jackets in the attic.
Gosh learns that his late grandfather was a tailor.
He envisioned his grandfather's work, which turned into a longing, and began to follow the same path.
Although his skills are still in their infancy, Ghosh is not only improving his tailoring skills, but also moving to various foreign countries, experiencing different cultures, and striving to make things that are uniquely Ghosh'

With thoughts of his hometown in his mind, he is polishing his skills day by day in some corner of the world, hoping that one day people in various countries will enjoy "Gorsch" through his craftsmanship there.

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