コレクション: THE HUNT NYC
Jake Lamagno, Steven Ditchkus,Dylan Riederの三人でスタート、運営している。それぞれ、プロスケーター、モデル、カメラマン、アーティストの別の顔をもちながら、ジュエリーや世の中に出回ってないアンティーク、そしてアウトサイダーなアートを専門に収集。
An unorthodox design firm and antique boutique based out of a store on Canal Street in New York City.
It was started and is run by Jake Lamagno, Steven Ditchkus, and Dylan Rieder. Each of them is a professional skater, model, photographer, and artist, specializing in collecting jewelry, rare antiques, and outsider art.
The work and products we offer are intended to create an aesthetic delight and a desire to captivate, which we have always had.
The logo, featuring a single eye like the eye of Providence, was created with the message, "Our heart is in this eye.