デザイナー・Izabella Doyle(イザベラ ドイル)により設立され、自身の美学や哲学を表現するブランド。toogoodをはじめ、様々なブランドのデザインチームやパタンナーとして活躍した経験を持つ彼女の、確かな技術によりコレクションは構成されている。
Founded by designer Izabella Doyle, the brand expresses her own aesthetics and philosophy, and is composed of collections created with the proven skills of a designer who has worked in the design teams and as a patterner for various brands including toogood.
The items are handmade in England and Scotland using vintage, recycled, and dead stock fabrics, and each piece is unique.
If a hole is found in the fabric, it is incorporated into the piece and repaired without cutting around it. The handwork and intricate details are carefully incorporated into each item.