"Hand Linked Toe"と呼ばれるつま先部分の仕上げを全て手作業で行う事により、履いたときの繋ぎ目のゴロつき感を無くし滑らかで柔らかなソックスに仕上げています。
Pantherella is a high-end sock manufacturer founded in 1937 in Leicester, located in central England.
The founder, Louis Goldschmidt, foresaw that as men's fashions became lighter, lighter socks would also become the trend, and established the world's first fine gauge sock factory that processed Bentley machines.
Pantherella socks are characterized by their snug fit and comfort.
The "Hand Linked Toe" process, in which the toe portion is entirely finished by hand, eliminates the feeling of stubby joints when the socks are worn, resulting in smooth, soft socks.
All yarns used are twisted according to the company's unique specifications, and are made using only the best quality superfine merino wool, Egyptian cotton, silk, and cashmere.